Unbland launched in 2018 but the seeds were planted long before that. Born in a household where cooking with salt and black pepper was the standard and daily practice. Merged into one in which spices were as common as eating bread for most. So we know both sides of cooking but once you start using spices and spice blends in your routine, there is no turning back.
Unbland is a company producing and selling small batch spice blends. Handmade on order to ensure freshness. Unbland is built around curiosity, creativity and exploration.
Unbland is not a product. It is a story. A story that explores the vast and never ending world of spices. We cook, we blend, we make mistakes, we try again. That is the life of a homecook.
Unbland is a thoughtfully curated brand, set out to create the very best in spice blends for the homecook. Doing the grinding so you don’t have to. No preservatives are added and salt only when mentioned. We strive to ensure that every homecook will never have to worry about what blend to make or when to use but merely love the journey and joys of homecooking.