Cape Malay

Cape Malay curry is a unique blend of African, Indonesian, and Dutch influences. This flavorful spice blend adds a rich and complex aroma to any dish. Imagine taking a trip to South Africa without ever leaving your kitchen. Cape Malay Curry: a flavorful blend with a rich history taking your home cooking to the next level.

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Cape Malay


Ingredients: nutmeg, coriander, fennel,
mustard seed, fenugreek, black pepper, cumin,
cardamom, turmeric, ginger, curry leaves,
chili peppers.

Net. Wt. 35grams / approx 1.25oz

Best used within 3 months

Our spice blends are handmade on order and will ship within 2-3 business days. 
All blends are packed in re-sealable, zip-seal pouches.

Pictured: all twelve ingredients used in our Cape Malay blend.

Pictured: a Cape Malay curry stew.